Our Permanent division has been established for over 30 years, we have significant experience of providing recruitment solutions to business’ from Start up to some of the Largest global Technology Vendors in the World.
Our team has a wealth of experience in placing sales professionals at all levels from entry level to Sales Directors and we are committed to working with our clients as trusted advisors representing your business with professionalism and integrity.
Our candidate attraction strategy is multifaceted, we have relationships with all the major job boards for posting vacancies and database search along with a significant Social Media presence that is constantly evolving with our creative Marketing team.
Our network is our business waiting to be part of yours.
If you are looking for a great candidate quickly then our contingency service will allow you to interview candidates on a no hire, no fee basis. Our consultants are constantly engaging with new talent and can select the best candidates available on the market for your role.
Retained search is our premium service, if you have a business-critical role that requires a focused approach or a volume of vacancies that need to be filled quickly and efficiently, then this is an ideal solution for your business. We will work with you to draw up a recruitment strategy and select a dedicated team to source the best talent available on the market.